Saturday, June 16, 2012

Oak Bluffs selectmen sanction dog owner, pass on cab driver

DIGGING CAN BE DANGEROUS Ruined landscaping, escape attempts, and dirty dogs: Digging can be a very destructive and expensive adventure for your dog to embark upon. First, you need to question why your dog is digging in the first place. Is it bored? We already spoke to the resolution of that issue in the above article. Second, do they dig and lay in the holes? Then your dog may be hot or cold and looking for some relief. Train your dog where to lay his head by finding a more suitable bed that satisfies their warmth or cooling requirements. Third and most tricky, is your dog trying to leave your yard by digging under a fence? To reverse this one, you will need to attach a long line to their collar and watch them. When you catch them in the act of digging, you need to correct them, while saying "NO!", and then replace their behavior with an obedience command. When you find holes, it is important to immediately refill them. Check to be sure that the dog has not buried anything in the hole to prevent them from re-digging the hole to retrieve their items. Do not allow your dog to take food, treats, or rawhides outside because this often can lead to an instinctive burying behavior to protect their leftovers. If the behaviors continue after consistent observing and training on your own, make sure to call us so that the behaviors do not become a solidified habit.
Oak Bluffs selectmen sanction dog owner, pass on cab driver
In response to his yelling, the attacking dog's owner, Damon Burke, ran out of his home and restrained "The propensity of the dog obviously wasn't to defend, it was to kill," Ms. Barmakian said. "Keeping a dog muzzled at all times, that

Diversity in Brief - June 15 Edition
Steve King defends dog metaphor and says Democrats want to divide people Read more and watch here. Immigrant business owners in Colorado generate $684 million a year for the state, according to a new study by the Fiscal Policy Institute.

Owner of attack dog given jail sentence
Mr Nick Baker, prosecuting, also asked the court that Munch be destroyed as a dog which had been dangerously out of control. Mrs Sheila Hicklin, defending, however said her client had sold the dog for �250 cash to a Handsworth man who planned to use it to breed.

Authorities investigate pit bull bite
He could not confirm reports the man had assaulted the dog’s owner, and the owner claimed the dog was defending her. White did say this occurred in an unincorporated area where there is no leash law. Since this was the first time this dog had

Smart dog steals a steak with this trick
A tiny Sellersburg dog has become a giant internet sensation.

Watch this smart dog steal a steak
A tiny Sellersburg dog has become a giant internet sensation.

Political dog tale duel
In the RidicuList, Anderson Cooper examines which candidate's dog tale will have a greater election impact.

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