Sunday, May 15, 2011

Maple Ridge dog’s dental woes net animal cruelty charges - The Vancouver Sun

Maple Ridge dog’s dental woes net animal cruelty charges - The Vancouver Sun
Veterinarian Dirk Van Der Walt, of Vancouver’s West King Edward Animal Clinic, said small dog breeds are more susceptible to dental problems than larger breeds, mostly because the bone structure holding the teeth in place is not as robust. “Small dogs

Battersea Dogs Home: 'More dog-fighting casualties' - BBC
Some 50% of the 6,125 dogs the home took in last year are bull breeds, such as Staffordshires or banned pit bulls. The first fighting dog, one-year-old Rosie, was dumped at the gates of the charity late at night bleeding heavily and with severe injuries to

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Columbia Dog Training

Julie Davis
Dog Training In Your Home