Monday, November 21, 2011

Doorbell Desensitization Ding, Dong! Are you and your

Doorbell Desensitization Ding, Dong! Are you and your dog ready for the trickiness of Trick or Treating this year? If your dog barks and runs at the door every time the doorbell rings, then this article on noise desensitization is for you. First, what is the barking all about? Doorbells signal change, and the introduction of an outsider to your environment. Barking can be a sign of excitement or anxiety related to these events. They may be guarding your home, or they may be welcoming your guests. In either case, you need to help your dog to relax. To do this you will need a clicker. If you do not have one, they are available at the register at most pet stores or through your trainer. If you have not used one of these during your training, a clicker is a small device with a button that you press to make a consistent noise. This noise will signify when your dog does something correctly. Prior to training, you must charge the clicker, or give it significance to your canine, by clicking the clicker and giving your dog a small, favorite, tasty treat several times in a row without training. Click! Treat. Click! Treat. You will notice that soon your dog will look your way as soon as you click because they understand that a treat is on its way. Second, you will need to create situations that simulate the doorbell environment that you want to change. You will need to have set-up doorbell ringing situations where you are prepared to train your dog. If guests and family members call ahead and are willing to ring the bell for you when they arrive, this is an easy way to naturally create this environment. Otherwise, you will need to employ volunteers to ring the doorbell for you. Have the person ring the bell, then click and treat the dog BEFORE it barks. Have the person repeat their ring several times at 30-60 second intervals. Each time, the dog gets rewarded for being attentive but not barking. Do not open the door every time. This will signal to the dog that just because the door is ringing, there is not necessarily someone waiting to come into their territory. Make sure to have your dog on a leash so that they cannot run to the door. Instead, guide them to come to you when the ring sounds for their click and reward. As your dog clues in to your training and becomes more relaxed at the bell, introduce verbal praise and wait longer and longer after the bell to click and reward the dog. Eventually, the doorbell will signal the need for calm energy to receive their reward, rather than a time to become excited and charge the door. Thirdly, now that you understand the basic premise, here is the doorbell workup routine to prepare yourself for the big day provided by Have your dog on-leash. The time that your dog spends running towards the door barking can feed into his behavior and cause it to continue. Warm him up initially at the beginning of sessions, then do "cold trials". Warm up - one ring, one treat with your dog right near the door, maybe even having him see you press the bell. You can say "Ready?" to give him even more of a hint that you are about to start "the game". Harder - you are farther away from the front door. Even harder - farther still where you try for two or three rings between treats. Say "Good Boy" after each bell and only click and treat (C/T) after the second or third ring. Ready for an even larger challenge? Train your dog to go to another room when the doorbell rings by having your click and treat supplies in another room. When the bell rings, call them to you. Guide them with the leash to your location, if necessary. When they arrive, award them with a click and treat. This will defuse the door-rushing behavior that can sometimes add excitement to the doorbell situation. During these exercises, if your dog shows signs of anxiety (heavy panting, pacing, shaking, etc) or does not seem to be progressing, then you are moving too quickly. Remember, the idea is to reduce stress on your dog. You will need to do many repetitions of each step to fully desensitize your dog. If you would like a one-on-one demonstration of these exercises, please give us a call. We will be happy to help you.
Charlotte Dog Training |

Charlotte Dog Daycare |

Monroe Dog Groomer|

FOURTH OF JULY Fireworks are a fact of

FOURTH OF JULY Fireworks are a fact of the holiday and very few other days of the year. They are big, beautiful, exciting, and loud. Remember, for your dog who has hearing ten times more sensitive than we do, the loud part can catch your dog unaware, disorient them, and create anxiety. In fact, often times fight or flight instincts kick in and dogs shelters will be inundated with dogs on the days following fireworks displays. While some dogs have little or no reaction, for others, fireworks can cause serious disturbances that can be emotionally scarring for them. Unfortunately, there is no way to tell which one any individual dog is or how any event may affect your dog. Here are some guidelines to consider prior to the festivities: Bringing Your Dog With You May we suggest you reconsider bringing your dog with you on your fourth adventures? These displays are not made for dogs. Often the aerial display is accompanied by sparklers and amateur displays which are lower and less predictable. Flashes of light, loud explosions, and crowds make for a confused and anxious dog with nowhere to go. Further, do not leave your dog in your car while you enjoy the show. This only reduces the "trapped" feeling to the confines of your vehicle which can result in destruction, soiling, and injury from exertion of anxious energies. Remember, a scared dog in a crowd is a danger to both itself and the people around it. Leashes and collars are not infallible. Leaving Your Dog Behind If you leave your dog at home and fireworks are being displayed nearby, make sure that they are in a place that is indoors where they have the least likelihood of causing damage to your home or themselves. Crates are strongly recommended if your dog has crating experience. Turn on, and up, your radio or television to mask the sound of the fireworks. Close your blinds or curtains to mask the flashing lights. Take away your dog's favorite toy a day or two before the festivities, and return it in time for the event. This way, they can be distracted by something you know that will give them happiness. In Either case Regardless of your canine's location, some basic steps should be taken to ensure their safety. Make sure that their tags are up to date, including one with your contact information, in the event that their fight or flight instinct gives them wings. To be doubly sure, make sure your dog is micro chipped and that that information is also correct in the event of a collar failure. Let your dog do its business prior to time for the fireworks displays. Play with them more than usual to ensure that they are tired and therefore less likely to have the energy to expend with nervousness. If your dog does react negatively to the fireworks, remember not to coddle them. If you coddle or hold them during this time, it will feel exactly the same as when you praise them. In other words, you'll be telling them: "Good job being nervous! That's what you should be doing! Keep it up!". In contrast, light massage style petting, if your dog will let you, when practiced without pity or nervousness can help calm both of you.
Dog Daycare Charlotte,NC

Proper Nutrition from All is Well Pet Health

Proper Nutrition from All is Well Pet Health - Side Affects of Improper Nutrition Dog Training Nutrition is the foundation for optimal health for pets as well as people. Pet food should be wholesome and nourishing. In order to be sure your pet is getting the proper nutrition, read the labels and check the ingredients. It is also very important to chose a pet food that uses high quality, "human grade" ingredients. This assures that the ingredients on the label are what is truly in the food. Dog food companies such as Wellness, Natura (makers of California Natural, Evo, Innova), and Nature's Variety all use these type ingredients as well as do continuous quality control during manufacturing. Some of the maladies that can result from improper nutrition are itchy red skin, dandruff, oily coat, runny eyes, chewing on paws, and red, sore ears. Imagine eating the same diet day after day for your entire life ... not very appetizing is it? Now, imagine that same diet lacking the vitamins and minerals needed for strong healthy bodies. Since we need good nutrition to stay healthy, it would not take long to become weak and sickly. As unhealthy as this sounds, this is what most of our pets experience their entire lives. As a result they are getting sicker and sicker. Substandard Ingredients in Commercial Dog Food Keep in mind that any ingredients that are not considered "human grade" are not subject to any FDA or other screening. Pet food has no federal inspection of ingredients. This means the ingredient list on most commercial dog foods is not truly accurate. Meat by-products: The "by-products" from the meat, but not including meat: lungs, spleen, kidneys, brains, liver, blood, bone, intestines, none of which are fit for human consumption. Meat meal: Meat meal can consist of just about any conceivable meat source. Even destroyed dogs and cats are rendered into meat meal for several name-brand animal foods. Beet Pulp: Beet pulp is the dried residue from the sugar beet. It is a source of sugar and fiber. However, it can seriously bind a dog's digestive tract. BHT, BHA: Chemical preservatives such as BHT and BHA have caused many concerns when tested on laboratory animals. Ethoxyquin: Ethoxyquin is a chemical preservative used to prevent spoilage in dog foods. It is a 1950's Monsanto product manufactured and sold as a chemical for making rubber! It is listed as a pesticide by the U.S. Department of agriculture. Unnecessary additions to dog food or treats: Corn: Corn, used as a cheap filler and protein source. Corn can cause common allergies such as skin disorders, increased chewing on paws or ear infections. Corn gluten meal: Corn gluten meal is by by-product after the manufacture of corn syrup or starch. Wheat or Wheat Gluten: Used as a cheap filler and protein source. Also a high allergen for skin disorders, and ear infections.

FRISBEE BASICS - Dog Training Watching a dog

FRISBEE BASICS - Dog Training Watching a dog launch through the air and catch a frisbee is a beautiful thing, but they don't start out at that point. Here are a few tips to get Your dog started playing a fun game of catch. Start off by sliding the Frisbee back and forth on the ground in front. Let your dog take it out of your hand. Always keep it fun and use lots of praise! Throw the disc on the ground, rolling it like a wheel. This will allow the dog to get used to chasing it without a bad experience of possibly getting hit by a flying disc. When your dog is interested in playing with the Frisbee, toss it and let them chase. Keep the tosses short so the Frisbee stays clearly visible as an attractive object to retrieve. Be careful not to throw the Frisbee directly at your dog. You do not want to make them afraid. Stand about three feet in front of your dog, gently toss the Frisbee in the air and say "Catch." If your dog catches it, give them lots of praise. If it is not caught, pick it up off the ground yourself. The catch should be the reward. When your dog accomplishes this, stand to the side of your dog, so they learn to go get it. Once your dog is comfortable catching short throws, make your tosses longer. Attach a long leash, so you can gently guide your dog back to you. Do not push the dog too hard. If your dog loses interest, then quit for now and start when you are both fresh. Put the discs away when you are not there. You dog should realize the disc is a special toy that is only available during your Frisbee tossing sessions. Supplements for Dogs? You take a Multi-Vitamin, but how about one for your dog? Just like people, dogs can have gaps in their nutrition as well. These holes in the dog's nutrition can be due to the organs, glands and tissues that may be compromised by disease, surgery, injury, etc. By increasing the amount of proper nutrition in your dog's diet, you can effectively help him with regards to faster healing times, tissue regeneration, and improved return in overall function. The goal of nutritional support is to provide complete nutrition to each cell, restoring normal metabolic function. Total Life Care not only addresses people nutrition, but they also carry a line of organic and whole food supplements especially formulated for dogs. These formulations range from a canine whole body support to more specific support for the dog's skin, liver, heart, digestion, immune system, kidneys, or thyroid. Total Life Care is offering a special discount for the Dog Training in Your Home clients. Bring in this newsletter for 10% off of any supplement products we carry. For more information about giving your dog a better quality of life in the form of proper nutrition, contact Total Life Care at 843.402.0310 843.402.0310 or at
Charlotte Dog Training |

Charlotte Dog Daycare |

Monroe Dog Groomer|

Daylight saving is useless

Clicker Training 101 What is a clicker? A time marker device. That marks a behavior and promises a reward. Any behavior clicked and rewarded enough with increase in frequency. Capturing Behavior - This is were a dog does a behavior induced or on his own and the trainer/owner clicks when the behavior occurs and then rewards the dog with a treat. examples would be barking, scatching, stretching, Shaping Behavior - This is were the trainer take the desired goal and breaks it in to small approamations then clicks and rewards the small appromations and slowly requires the dog to move from step to the next as you gear towards the goal. Example: Teaching adog to toucha target stick with thier nose. First the dog must look at the and treat then the dog must look and turn his head in the direction fo the and treat, then the dog must look turn his head and step towards the treat...
Daylight saving is useless
The changing of clocks in fall and spring is archaic and also inconvenient --- ask anyone with a child or a dog. How does changing the clock for one hour accomplish anything in this era? What purpose does it really serve? We are told it saves on electric.

Veteran's Day: Wounded Warrior's Bond With Dog Saves Both
During his childhood, while other kids dreamed of other professions Montalv�n attended the training sessions at the ECAD’s facility, unaware Tuesday would be his dog. Tuesday seemed to be the most disconnected of the canines, and

Canada Goose For Kids
Who wants to stay in your dog park with parrot waste just about everywhere as well as idea newer afternoon go camping software programs. Canada Goose For Kids When it comes to park, all of the wide-open, very simple landscape gardening is actually

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Rutgers Men’s Soccer Advances To Field Of 16 Past No. 8 Boston College
“Obviously success helps everything and it makes things that much nicer but these kids don The dog fight continued into the two overtime periods as the Scarlet Knights forced BC keeper Justin Luthy into a pair of saves, preserving the 1-1 tie.

Man saves family from burning home
The father's brother, who was spending the night, awoke first and alerted everyone else, the parents and their three kids. The family friend said several pets died in the fire and one dog is missing. The lost everything and is in desperate need of help.

Modest hero saves baby from dog attack
it was still trying to get to the child while I had it in my hands," he said. "Just from old school memory I thought to grab it around the throat and lift it back (onto its hind legs)." Earlier, Mr Hall had hit the dog with a wrench he had grabbed from his

Kenya : Ooops! the Dog Ate My Manners
A child today would argue that it is child labour Saying "sorry" does not make you weak; it just saves everyone time and agitation. When it is raining and you, being four feet tall, carry an umbrella without the slightest care of whose

Father Saves Son, 5, From Dog Attack
fought off the dog. "I'm broke up. I mean, I'm just worried about him," said William Stoll Sr. "I was a nervous wreck and scared to death for my kid," said the boy's mother, Jennifer Stoll. "I tried to stick my hands in (the dog's) jaw, tried to pull them apart.

Teenager 'rapt' his daring rescue saved boy's life in house fire
the biggest adrenaline rush I have had in my life. I just felt rapt I had got the kid out. If I hadn't been there he might have died." A woman, a man, at least three young children and a dog escaped from the Union St bungalow about 4.40pm on Wednesday

Dog Training Charlotte,NC

Animal Files: Protect your dog from parvovirus

SUMMER SUN SAFETY Summertime is fun for dogs and humans alike. It's a great time to travel and enjoy the great outdoors. Let us review a few safety tips to make sure that you and your dog can be ready for your adventures: Ride Right. Are you taking your dog for a ride in the car? Nothing compares to a happy dog's ears as he takes on the wind outside of a car window! Be careful though. Do not ever leave a dog alone in a parked vehicle especially in direct sun. Even when it's only mildly hot out, the inside of a car can become sweltering. Rolling down the windows is not enough relief. Heat stroke can happen to dogs, and just like in people can cause brain damage and even death. Symptoms include panting, drooling, rapid pulse and fever. Immediately immerse the dog in cool water and seek emergency veterinary assistance. Sunburns. Did you know that dogs get sunburns just like we do? Especially the dogs with shorter hair, lighter or pink skin, and pink noses are most susceptible. Try to limit your dog's exposure to days when the sun is less strong. Sunblock applied to ears and noses 30 minutes before exposure will help. Sink or Swim. Not all dogs know how to swim instinctively. Do not just drop them in a pool or throw them in the ocean to see how they do. Make sure that they choose their swimming adventure. Start in shallow water and call your dog's name. Maybe try tossing a toy to see if they will retrieve it. Better yet? If you have a friend with a dog who can swim, let them lead the way. Do not be surprised if both of your dog's legs don't paddle right away. Most dogs start with just their front legs. Stick close to help with the back end if they need it. Watch for tides, surfers, and other swimmers to be sure your dog has a calm introduction to the world of water. Consider getting a canine life preserver so that they can have the support while they learn. Always use preservers on boating adventures. They need them just like humans. Remember that swimming uses different muscles and can tire your animal quickly. Always keep your dog in reach so that you can help them if they need it. You are their best friend and lifeguard. Fancy Footwork. If your dog starts to walk awkwardly on the roads or concrete, consider the heat of the pavement. Their feet may literally be burning. Whenever possible, avoid walking your dog on the blacktop when it is hot to the touch. Walk them on the sidewalk, in the grass, or in the shade. Also, when starting to increase the speed, frequency, or change the terrain of your dog's walk, remember that they do not wear shoes. It may take them a while to build the calluses on their paws necessary to walk in these areas. If you're going hiking or onto surfaces where you would not be comfortable walking barefoot, consider your pet's feet. There are even sneakers available for animals that may have sensitive paws! Gear up the grooming. Make sure that you keep up with your dog's brushing and washing to ensure good health in the heat. This is when they shed more and get dirtier than most other times of the year. Don't forget to apply their flea/tick prevention and give them their heartworm preventatives each month as well. These are just a few of the considerations to be made during the summer. We wish you the safest of adventures and loads of fun this season!
Animal Files: Protect your dog from parvovirus
Dogs, cats and kittens will be available for adoption While no vaccine can guarantee protection, in most cases, the exposure from the vaccine enables the immune system to develop a more effective response, and the next time it encounters

Don't eat dogs, urge Chinese animal rights groups
it has never caused any controversy here." In October, a Chinese animal protection group saved nearly 800 dogs from traders in Zigong in southwest Sichuan province. A 600-year-old dog meat festival in Zhejiang province was cancelled permanently in

Florida Dog Academy Offers German Shephards for Protection and Law Enforcement Work
Florida Dog Academy has the ability to offer dogs to the government, military, and law enforcement entities as well as train the handlers at their facility. In this video see Dr. Joe working with Glock, a German Shepherd. (EMAILWIRE.COM, November 18, 2011

How Dogs Evolved Into 'Our Best Friends'
Dogs have aided humans for thousands of years. Man's best friend has provided protection, companionship and hunting assistance since the days of the earliest human settlements. But how and when dogs evolved from wolves is a matter of debate.

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Best Dog Breeds for Home Protection
Nearly any dog can be trained to protect a home. However, certain dogs have been bred as watch dogs, whose job is to alert their owner of intruders or dangers. Others are bred as guard dogs, whose job is to attack or detain the intruder

Indian Trail Dog Grooming

Linda Atha
4702 W Hwy 74
Monroe, NC 28105

Clicker Training 101 What is a clicker? A

Clicker Training 101 What is a clicker? A time marker device. That marks a behavior and promises a reward. Any behavior clicked and rewarded enough with increase in frequency. Capturing Behavior - This is were a dog does a behavior induced or on his own and the trainer/owner clicks when the behavior occurs and then rewards the dog with a treat. examples would be barking, scatching, stretching, Shaping Behavior - This is were the trainer take the desired goal and breaks it in to small approamations then clicks and rewards the small appromations and slowly requires the dog to move from step to the next as you gear towards the goal. Example: Teaching adog to toucha target stick with thier nose. First the dog must look at the and treat then the dog must look and turn his head in the direction fo the and treat, then the dog must look turn his head and step towards the treat...
Columbia Dog Training

Julie Davis
Dog Training In Your Home

Coprophagia - Eating B/Ms Coprophagia eating B/Ms, consumption

Coprophagia - Eating B/Ms Coprophagia eating B/Ms, consumption of feces, is common but disturbing habit in some dogs. The cause is unknown, but there are ways to deal with this behavior. Coprophagia is normal behavior under some circumstances. The bitch will normally eat the puppies feces and urine during their first few weeks of life. This keeps the den or whelping box clean. Some of the most common "treatments" for comprophagia are: sprinkling MSG on the dog's food 's putting pineapple or tomato juice or spinich in the dog's food crushing a Cert's breath mint and putting it in the food changing the dog's diet to a higher quality, more digestible food There are also some commercial products on the market Forbid Deter Both of these products have fermented vegetable extract as their main ingredient. This is for all intents and purposes the same as MSG. All the information that I have about effectiveness of any of these is anecdotal and through my own experience. I have found that MSG or a commercial product works best. Some dog owners are more comfortable using a commercial product even though the cost is much greater than plain MSG. Trial and error is the way that I have figured out how much MSG to put in the food. I have them start out with a teaspoonful and increase the amount until it has the desired effect of making the smell and taste of the feces undesirable. Ken Landa From juliejohnson - 12/4/07 9:17 AM We have also used canned pumpkin as an additive to the food - again, starting out with a teaspoon like Ken said (or even smaller if it is a small dog!). Something to be careful of with pumpkin is it can lead to diarrhea. Also, we've used Accent Spice, which I think is a commercial name for MSG if they are looking for it in the grocery store. Sometimes we have also told the clients who have cats to add these to the cat's food so the dog will stay out of the litterbox. Of course, we tell them to make sure to clear it with their vets first, especially if we know the animals have had prior digestive problems. Julie Johnson
Charlotte Dog Training |

Charlotte Dog Daycare |

Monroe Dog Groomer|

Proper Nutrition from All is Well Pet Health

Proper Nutrition from All is Well Pet Health - Side Affects of Improper Nutrition Dog Training Nutrition is the foundation for optimal health for pets as well as people. Pet food should be wholesome and nourishing. In order to be sure your pet is getting the proper nutrition, read the labels and check the ingredients. It is also very important to chose a pet food that uses high quality, "human grade" ingredients. This assures that the ingredients on the label are what is truly in the food. Dog food companies such as Wellness, Natura (makers of California Natural, Evo, Innova), and Nature's Variety all use these type ingredients as well as do continuous quality control during manufacturing. Some of the maladies that can result from improper nutrition are itchy red skin, dandruff, oily coat, runny eyes, chewing on paws, and red, sore ears. Imagine eating the same diet day after day for your entire life ... not very appetizing is it? Now, imagine that same diet lacking the vitamins and minerals needed for strong healthy bodies. Since we need good nutrition to stay healthy, it would not take long to become weak and sickly. As unhealthy as this sounds, this is what most of our pets experience their entire lives. As a result they are getting sicker and sicker. Substandard Ingredients in Commercial Dog Food Keep in mind that any ingredients that are not considered "human grade" are not subject to any FDA or other screening. Pet food has no federal inspection of ingredients. This means the ingredient list on most commercial dog foods is not truly accurate. Meat by-products: The "by-products" from the meat, but not including meat: lungs, spleen, kidneys, brains, liver, blood, bone, intestines, none of which are fit for human consumption. Meat meal: Meat meal can consist of just about any conceivable meat source. Even destroyed dogs and cats are rendered into meat meal for several name-brand animal foods. Beet Pulp: Beet pulp is the dried residue from the sugar beet. It is a source of sugar and fiber. However, it can seriously bind a dog's digestive tract. BHT, BHA: Chemical preservatives such as BHT and BHA have caused many concerns when tested on laboratory animals. Ethoxyquin: Ethoxyquin is a chemical preservative used to prevent spoilage in dog foods. It is a 1950's Monsanto product manufactured and sold as a chemical for making rubber! It is listed as a pesticide by the U.S. Department of agriculture. Unnecessary additions to dog food or treats: Corn: Corn, used as a cheap filler and protein source. Corn can cause common allergies such as skin disorders, increased chewing on paws or ear infections. Corn gluten meal: Corn gluten meal is by by-product after the manufacture of corn syrup or starch. Wheat or Wheat Gluten: Used as a cheap filler and protein source. Also a high allergen for skin disorders, and ear infections.
Charlotte Dog Training |

Charlotte Dog Daycare |

Monroe Dog Groomer|

Doorbell Desensitization Ding, Dong! Are you and your

Doorbell Desensitization Ding, Dong! Are you and your dog ready for the trickiness of Trick or Treating this year? If your dog barks and runs at the door every time the doorbell rings, then this article on noise desensitization is for you. First, what is the barking all about? Doorbells signal change, and the introduction of an outsider to your environment. Barking can be a sign of excitement or anxiety related to these events. They may be guarding your home, or they may be welcoming your guests. In either case, you need to help your dog to relax. To do this you will need a clicker. If you do not have one, they are available at the register at most pet stores or through your trainer. If you have not used one of these during your training, a clicker is a small device with a button that you press to make a consistent noise. This noise will signify when your dog does something correctly. Prior to training, you must charge the clicker, or give it significance to your canine, by clicking the clicker and giving your dog a small, favorite, tasty treat several times in a row without training. Click! Treat. Click! Treat. You will notice that soon your dog will look your way as soon as you click because they understand that a treat is on its way. Second, you will need to create situations that simulate the doorbell environment that you want to change. You will need to have set-up doorbell ringing situations where you are prepared to train your dog. If guests and family members call ahead and are willing to ring the bell for you when they arrive, this is an easy way to naturally create this environment. Otherwise, you will need to employ volunteers to ring the doorbell for you. Have the person ring the bell, then click and treat the dog BEFORE it barks. Have the person repeat their ring several times at 30-60 second intervals. Each time, the dog gets rewarded for being attentive but not barking. Do not open the door every time. This will signal to the dog that just because the door is ringing, there is not necessarily someone waiting to come into their territory. Make sure to have your dog on a leash so that they cannot run to the door. Instead, guide them to come to you when the ring sounds for their click and reward. As your dog clues in to your training and becomes more relaxed at the bell, introduce verbal praise and wait longer and longer after the bell to click and reward the dog. Eventually, the doorbell will signal the need for calm energy to receive their reward, rather than a time to become excited and charge the door. Thirdly, now that you understand the basic premise, here is the doorbell workup routine to prepare yourself for the big day provided by Have your dog on-leash. The time that your dog spends running towards the door barking can feed into his behavior and cause it to continue. Warm him up initially at the beginning of sessions, then do "cold trials". Warm up - one ring, one treat with your dog right near the door, maybe even having him see you press the bell. You can say "Ready?" to give him even more of a hint that you are about to start "the game". Harder - you are farther away from the front door. Even harder - farther still where you try for two or three rings between treats. Say "Good Boy" after each bell and only click and treat (C/T) after the second or third ring. Ready for an even larger challenge? Train your dog to go to another room when the doorbell rings by having your click and treat supplies in another room. When the bell rings, call them to you. Guide them with the leash to your location, if necessary. When they arrive, award them with a click and treat. This will defuse the door-rushing behavior that can sometimes add excitement to the doorbell situation. During these exercises, if your dog shows signs of anxiety (heavy panting, pacing, shaking, etc) or does not seem to be progressing, then you are moving too quickly. Remember, the idea is to reduce stress on your dog. You will need to do many repetitions of each step to fully desensitize your dog. If you would like a one-on-one demonstration of these exercises, please give us a call. We will be happy to help you.
Charlotte Dog Training |

Charlotte Dog Daycare |

Monroe Dog Groomer|

When Your Dog Loves You Too Much... Separation

When Your Dog Loves You Too Much... Separation Anxiety is often misdiagnosed in the canine world. Sometimes it is really just boredom or the dog becoming adventurous when given the opportunity. If your dog seems to follow you and stick to you like glue, and/or if destruction is happening within the first 20 minutes you are away, then you are probably dealing with some form of separation anxiety. Here are some things that you can do to help: - Keep your comings and goings neutral! Don't make a big fuss at either time. - Practice leaving with your normal cues (pick up your keys, grab your purse, put on your work shoes, etc.), then don't leave. This will help desensitize your dog to your departures. - Give your dog a hobby while you are gone. Stuff a Kong, leave treats around the house, utilize a feeding tube, or anything that will get your dog up, moving and eating. A dog that is eating is not a stressed dog. - Leave your dog with an article of clothing that smells like you, such as an old t-shirt that you recently slept in. - A good dog is a tired dog! Try to exercise your dog more both mentally and physically.
Charlotte Dog Training |

Charlotte Dog Daycare |

Monroe Dog Groomer|

Deaf Dog Remote Vibrating Collar Deaf Dog Remote

Deaf Dog Remote Vibrating Collar Deaf Dog Remote Vibrating Collar - I have used a remote collar that vibrates when you press the transmit button on the remote. I have used the vibration as the dogs name and or as the marking of a behavior. However there are some problems with using these collars. Some dogs are very scared of the collar. They have never felt something like it before. So I like to hold the remote collar in my hand and lightly hold the collar against the dog and activate the collar when the dog feels the vibration give the dog a treat. After doing this until the dog starts to expect the treat ..then and only then put the collar on the dog. Then start to use the collar then treat...collar then treat...collar then treat. Then start using the collar to mark behavior I like to start with the look command. When the dog looks at your face remote and treat. The remote I like is the 175ncp dogtra collar Are about 175.00 and work well...
Dog Training Royal Oak

Ken Landa
Dog Training In your Home

DIGGING CAN BE DANGEROUS Ruined landscaping, escape attempts,

DIGGING CAN BE DANGEROUS Ruined landscaping, escape attempts, and dirty dogs: Digging can be a very destructive and expensive adventure for your dog to embark upon. First, you need to question why your dog is digging in the first place. Is it bored? We already spoke to the resolution of that issue in the above article. Second, do they dig and lay in the holes? Then your dog may be hot or cold and looking for some relief. Train your dog where to lay his head by finding a more suitable bed that satisfies their warmth or cooling requirements. Third and most tricky, is your dog trying to leave your yard by digging under a fence? To reverse this one, you will need to attach a long line to their collar and watch them. When you catch them in the act of digging, you need to correct them, while saying "NO!", and then replace their behavior with an obedience command. When you find holes, it is important to immediately refill them. Check to be sure that the dog has not buried anything in the hole to prevent them from re-digging the hole to retrieve their items. Do not allow your dog to take food, treats, or rawhides outside because this often can lead to an instinctive burying behavior to protect their leftovers. If the behaviors continue after consistent observing and training on your own, make sure to call us so that the behaviors do not become a solidified habit.
Charlotte Dog Training |

Charlotte Dog Daycare |

Monroe Dog Groomer|


LESSON NOTES STAND/STAY COMMAND ** NOTE: Before teaching stand/stay your dog should have a complete understanding of sit/stay. * Begin with your dog in a sit/stay on your left side facing in the same direction you are. * Using your right hand reach across your body grasping the leash about 6” from your dog collar. * Step back and place your left hand (palm toward yourself) on the deep inside of your right thigh. * Then as you give the command “stand” pull forward with your right hand while using your left hand to lift the dogs hind quarter into the air. * Once your dog reaches the standing position give the command to “stay”, then step in front of your dog. * Keep in mind, most dogs will attempt to sit. If this should happen, move quickly, stepping forward with your left leg (putting your hand back inside your thigh), then lightly snap the leash toward you as you lift your dogs hind quarters into the the stand position, and say “NO !!” (correction tone) then say “stand”. (light command tone). * Continue to follow the above steps for seven full days before expecting the dog to stand on his own. * Consult your training instructor for the next steps. TRAINING GOAL:_________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ *Remember, if you have any questions, please call our office at (704) 573-3647 Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 5:00pm
Charlotte Dog Training |

Charlotte Dog Daycare |

Monroe Dog Groomer|

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