Sunday, April 29, 2012

Clicker Training 101 What is a clicker? A

Clicker Training 101 What is a clicker? A time marker device. That marks a behavior and promises a reward. Any behavior clicked and rewarded enough with increase in frequency. Capturing Behavior - This is were a dog does a behavior induced or on his own and the trainer/owner clicks when the behavior occurs and then rewards the dog with a treat. examples would be barking, scatching, stretching, Shaping Behavior - This is were the trainer take the desired goal and breaks it in to small approamations then clicks and rewards the small appromations and slowly requires the dog to move from step to the next as you gear towards the goal. Example: Teaching adog to toucha target stick with thier nose. First the dog must look at the and treat then the dog must look and turn his head in the direction fo the and treat, then the dog must look turn his head and step towards the treat...
Obama's humor goes to the dogs
A spoof ad played for White House correspondents takes aim at Mitt Romney for admitting he once put his family dog in a cage and perched it on top of his car.

Opinion: Why race becoming a dogfight
Just in case you had any lingering illusions that politics deals with substantial issues, here's the issue that last week filled our media chatter:�

Dog Training Royal Oak

Ken Landa
Dog Training In your Home