Saturday, November 26, 2011

A Pleasure to Meet You This holiday season,

A Pleasure to Meet You This holiday season, when you are visiting your friends and family, you may be faced with the opportunity to meet a dog that you do not know. Here are some tips to help you have a healthy and happy experience by understanding the appropriate way to approach a new dog: Always ask an owner for permission to touch their dog prior to petting. Ask if the dog is friendly. Some dogs are not welcoming to guests. Some owners do not like their dog to interact with guests. You do not want to risk your personal safety or reward them for a behavior their owner dislikes. Watch a dog's body language. If their hair stands up, they stop moving or wagging their tail, they hold their breath, they crouch down to the ground, or they begin barking or lunging, simply do not touch them. They may be nervous and are better left alone. Never run up to a stray dog and pet them. You do not know how this dog responds to people, if the dog is injured, or if the dog is otherwise aggressive. It is best to let the dog come to you, if you decide to interact at all. Let them hear and smell you prior to interacting with them directly. Stand still and put your hand out for the dog to smell. Let them get comfortable with your scents and sounds prior to actual touching. Do not approach the dog face-to-face. Rather, position yourself beside the dog. A face-to-face meeting can become a threat to a dog that you may not mean to make. Do not touch the dog if you are nervous. The dog will know and it will make them nervous as well. There is no reason to pet a dog if you do not feel comfortable. Do not pet a dog on the head when you first meet them. A shoulder or back petting session is more appropriate. Many dogs get nervous and/or upset when they are pet on top of their heads, or when people reach over their heads to pet them. Do not stare a dog in the eye. While this is a show of confidence in the USA, it is a show of confrontation in the canine world. Gently look at the dogs ears, face, or chest, but try to avoid direct eye contact. If you become uncomfortable or are being attacked by a dog you have just met NEVER turn your back and run away. The dog will chase you. It will think you are playing a game or have become a prey animal. Instead, remain calm, stand still until the dog goes away, and/or guard your body with any personal items (purse, umbrella, briefcase, etc.) that you have with you. Do not flail your arms, scream, throw personal items, or wave your fingers at a dog. Excitement and nervousness begets excitement and nervousness. Loose and flailing items are more easily grabbed by a dog. Close your fists and hold your arms steady at your side or across your body to keep yourself in a safer situation. Pet the dog gently, slowly, with a flat hand, in one direction. When you do pet a dog you have not met before, remember to speak slowly and quietly in sweet tones. Watch your children and be sure to show them the appropriate ways to meet a dog. Remember, even if an owner says that a dog is friendly, you are a stranger to them. Earn their trust by respecting their space. This is especially true of puppies for whom everything is new, loud, and can become overwhelming.
Charlotte Dog Training |

Charlotte Dog Daycare |

Monroe Dog Groomer|

COME COMMAND Hide and Seek * Using two

COME COMMAND Hide and Seek * Using two people-play hide and seek-having one person hold the dog in the house or yard allow him to watch one of you walk away and hide within voice range. Once in hiding place give the command "________, come" (command tone) followed by, "good boy, come on boy, good boy, come on boy, good boy come on boy(Praise Tone) , _________, come" (command tone). When he reaches you, place your left hand over his hind quarters - And your right hand under his chin then gently rotate him into the sitting position......*remember, NO CORRECTION! Round Robin * Have several people stand in a large circle-with the dog on leash in the middle. One person at a time squats placing one knee on the ground, pats their knee saying "___________, come" (praise tone) While everyone else turns their back ; continue around circle until everyone has had a turn. Formal Come * Put your dog in a sit/stay while facing him from 6-10 feet away. * With the leash in your hand give the command "__________, come" (command tone), as you use your right hand to give him a hand signal; reach straight out in front of you with right hand palm down, then draw your hand toward your chest palm in. * Use the leash to guide him straight to you while coaxing him with praise. * Once he gets to you give the command, "_________, sit", then lift gently on leash as you lightly touch his hips, once he sits-lots of praise. TRAINING GOAL:__________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ *Remember, if you have any questions, please call our office at (704) 573-3647, Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 5:00pm
Dog Trials Competition (SheepDogs)

Dog Trials Competition
The 102nd Annual A&P Show 2011
Stratford, Central Taranaki, New Zealand
November 26-27, 2011


The Dog Trials competition showcased the skills of the sheepdogs and their master against the sheep. It was very amazing to see the teamwork and good chemistry they show during the event.


The A&P (Agricultural & Pastoral) show is one of New Zealand’s major annual events and is supported by the whole region and indeed enjoyed by all competitors, spectators and trade exhibitors. There are different schedules of this event around the country and it draws large crowds from around Taranaki Region. This event that I have attended was held in Stratford Showground, Stratford, Central Taranaki, NZ on November 26-27, 2011. The annual show was a family affair because there was a show exclusively for young kids and old alike.


I travelled for 30 minutes to witness this fun-filled activity and I really enjoyed every minute of it. The weather was unpredictable and indescribable because it was windy, cold and sunny.

Dog Boarding | Daycare | Training |Charlotte,NC

5 New Years Resolutions for your Dog 1.

5 New Years Resolutions for your Dog 1. Walk Your Dog - Making a goal to walk your dog everyday will help you and your pet get into better shape. By using a control walk, you will be reinforcing your dog's place in the family. 2. Obedience Training - You know what to do, but are you being consistent? Resolve to spend 5-10 minutes every other day brushing up on your dog's obedience skills. While you are at it, come to a few tune-up classes and really flex your alpha muscles. 3. Annual Exam - Just like people, dogs need to have an annual check-up to make sure that everything is working properly and that there is nothing going on beneath the surface. Since symptoms can go unnoticed, a visit to your veterinarian's office might be the key to catching something early. If your pet has not seen a veterinarian in the last year consider making an appointment for its physical exam. 4. Socialization - If your dog isn't given the opportunity to be around other dogs, then problems can arise. You might notice barking when you are out for a walk when they see another dog. This can escalate into something more, so it's always a good idea to allow your dog to socialize with other pets as much as possible. 5. Helping a Rescue Organization- What a great New Years Resolution! Rescue organizations are always in need of volunteers, food and blankets, or monetary contributions. You can celebrate your dog by giving to an animal welfare organization.
Charlotte Dog Training |

Charlotte Dog Daycare |

Monroe Dog Groomer|

DOODYCALLS o Waste not, want not: Pet Waste

DOODYCALLS o Waste not, want not: Pet Waste o In the dog eat dog world of real estate, an area is only as good as its property values. And for areas overrun by smelly piles of dog poop, the feces factor could prove the weakest link to many homeowners. o The American Pet Products Manufacturers Association (APPMA), estimates Americans own more pets than ever before, with 74.8 million dogs as of 2008. o Beyond your grass, it has been estimated that a single gram of dog feces can contain 23 million fecal coliform bacteria, which are known to cause cramps, diarrhea, intestinal illness, and serious kidney disorders in humans. EPA even estimates that two or three days worth of droppings from a population of about 100 dogs would contribute enough bacteria to temporarily close a bay, and all watershed areas within 20 miles of it, to swimming and shellfishing. o The EPA explains that the decay of your pet's waste actually creates nutrients for weeds and algae that grow in the waterways. As these organisms thrive on your dog's droppings, they overtake the water and limit the amount of light that can penetrate the water's surface. As a result, oxygen levels in the water decrease, and the fish and seafood we eat can be asphyxiated, EPA says. o A toxic cycle o If you aren't worried about your local waterways, you may be a bit more concerned about the impact of dog droppings on your home. The thing about persistently disposing of stools improperly (or not at all) is that it kicks off a harmful cycle that can affect your whole family - including your pet. o According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), pet droppings can contribute to diseases animals pass to humans, called zoonoses. When infected dog droppings are deposited on your lawn, the eggs of certain roundworms and other parasites can linger in your soil for years. Anyone who comes into contact with that soil - be it through gardening, playing sports, walking barefoot or any other means - runs the risk of coming into contact with those eggs; especially your dog. o Some of the hard-to-pronounce parasites your lawn could harbor include Cryptosporidium, Giardia, Salmonella, as well as hookworms, ringworms and tapeworms. Infections from these bugs often cause fever, muscle aches, headache, vomiting, and diarrhea in humans. Children are most susceptible, since they often play in the dirt and put things in their mouths or eyes. o In the end, it is best not to let sleeping dogs lie when it comes to issues of communal cleanliness. After all, proper sanitation could mean the difference between your yard being a beautiful oasis, or an area that has gone to the dogs. o Author: Dave Mason is the franchise owner of DoodyCalls, Charleston's Premier Pet Waste Removal Service
Charlotte Dog Training |

Charlotte Dog Daycare |

Monroe Dog Groomer|

COME COMMAND Hide and Seek * Using two

COME COMMAND Hide and Seek * Using two people-play hide and seek-having one person hold the dog in the house or yard allow him to watch one of you walk away and hide within voice range. Once in hiding place give the command "________, come" (command tone) followed by, "good boy, come on boy, good boy, come on boy, good boy come on boy(Praise Tone) , _________, come" (command tone). When he reaches you, place your left hand over his hind quarters - And your right hand under his chin then gently rotate him into the sitting position......*remember, NO CORRECTION! Round Robin * Have several people stand in a large circle-with the dog on leash in the middle. One person at a time squats placing one knee on the ground, pats their knee saying "___________, come" (praise tone) While everyone else turns their back ; continue around circle until everyone has had a turn. Formal Come * Put your dog in a sit/stay while facing him from 6-10 feet away. * With the leash in your hand give the command "__________, come" (command tone), as you use your right hand to give him a hand signal; reach straight out in front of you with right hand palm down, then draw your hand toward your chest palm in. * Use the leash to guide him straight to you while coaxing him with praise. * Once he gets to you give the command, "_________, sit", then lift gently on leash as you lightly touch his hips, once he sits-lots of praise. TRAINING GOAL:__________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ *Remember, if you have any questions, please call our office at (704) 573-3647, Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 5:00pm
Charlotte Dog Training |

Charlotte Dog Daycare |

Monroe Dog Groomer|

DIGGING CAN BE DANGEROUS Ruined landscaping, escape attempts,

DIGGING CAN BE DANGEROUS Ruined landscaping, escape attempts, and dirty dogs: Digging can be a very destructive and expensive adventure for your dog to embark upon. First, you need to question why your dog is digging in the first place. Is it bored? We already spoke to the resolution of that issue in the above article. Second, do they dig and lay in the holes? Then your dog may be hot or cold and looking for some relief. Train your dog where to lay his head by finding a more suitable bed that satisfies their warmth or cooling requirements. Third and most tricky, is your dog trying to leave your yard by digging under a fence? To reverse this one, you will need to attach a long line to their collar and watch them. When you catch them in the act of digging, you need to correct them, while saying "NO!", and then replace their behavior with an obedience command. When you find holes, it is important to immediately refill them. Check to be sure that the dog has not buried anything in the hole to prevent them from re-digging the hole to retrieve their items. Do not allow your dog to take food, treats, or rawhides outside because this often can lead to an instinctive burying behavior to protect their leftovers. If the behaviors continue after consistent observing and training on your own, make sure to call us so that the behaviors do not become a solidified habit.
Charlotte Dog Training |

Charlotte Dog Daycare |

Monroe Dog Groomer|

RULES OF THE ROAD If you are planning

RULES OF THE ROAD If you are planning on taking your dog on a road trip with you this summer, here are some things to remember: GET UP TO DATE: Check your dog's vaccinations and tags. Bring copies of your shot records with you. Make sure all relevant information is available on their tags. PREPARE TO PREVENT: Put on a fresh coat of flea and tick preventative, and make sure they've had their heartworm preventative for the month. Bring a veterinary first aid kit with you. These are available at most pet stores. STOCK UP: Make sure you have enough food, medications, and bottled water with you for your dog. Bringing bottled water can sometimes prevent dogs from getting stomach aches due to changes in water content. BUCKLE UP: Get a canine car harness. They help your dog stay in one seat and remain secure during any quick stopping. These are available at pet stores. CHECK OUT BEFORE YOU CHECK IN: There are many pet-friendly hotels for you to stop at along the way.,,, and are just a few of the many sites that the many list pet friendly accommodations available. Never leave your dog alone in the hotel room. This will prevent them coming in contact with unknowns and keep them secure. Always put out the do not disturb sign to prevent anyone from accidentally opening the door to a surprise when your dog greets them, or worse letting the dog out into the hotel unleashed. PLAN FOR PIT STOPS: Remember to plan a stop every two to three hours for your dog to go to the bathroom. Always clean up after your dog. Never leave a dog alone in a parked car because heat conditions may rapidly change. Regardless of location, always keep your dog on leash for both your security and theirs.
Charlotte Dog Training |

Charlotte Dog Daycare |

Monroe Dog Groomer|

FRISBEE BASICS - Dog Training Watching a dog

FRISBEE BASICS - Dog Training Watching a dog launch through the air and catch a frisbee is a beautiful thing, but they don't start out at that point. Here are a few tips to get Your dog started playing a fun game of catch. Start off by sliding the Frisbee back and forth on the ground in front. Let your dog take it out of your hand. Always keep it fun and use lots of praise! Throw the disc on the ground, rolling it like a wheel. This will allow the dog to get used to chasing it without a bad experience of possibly getting hit by a flying disc. When your dog is interested in playing with the Frisbee, toss it and let them chase. Keep the tosses short so the Frisbee stays clearly visible as an attractive object to retrieve. Be careful not to throw the Frisbee directly at your dog. You do not want to make them afraid. Stand about three feet in front of your dog, gently toss the Frisbee in the air and say "Catch." If your dog catches it, give them lots of praise. If it is not caught, pick it up off the ground yourself. The catch should be the reward. When your dog accomplishes this, stand to the side of your dog, so they learn to go get it. Once your dog is comfortable catching short throws, make your tosses longer. Attach a long leash, so you can gently guide your dog back to you. Do not push the dog too hard. If your dog loses interest, then quit for now and start when you are both fresh. Put the discs away when you are not there. You dog should realize the disc is a special toy that is only available during your Frisbee tossing sessions. Supplements for Dogs? You take a Multi-Vitamin, but how about one for your dog? Just like people, dogs can have gaps in their nutrition as well. These holes in the dog's nutrition can be due to the organs, glands and tissues that may be compromised by disease, surgery, injury, etc. By increasing the amount of proper nutrition in your dog's diet, you can effectively help him with regards to faster healing times, tissue regeneration, and improved return in overall function. The goal of nutritional support is to provide complete nutrition to each cell, restoring normal metabolic function. Total Life Care not only addresses people nutrition, but they also carry a line of organic and whole food supplements especially formulated for dogs. These formulations range from a canine whole body support to more specific support for the dog's skin, liver, heart, digestion, immune system, kidneys, or thyroid. Total Life Care is offering a special discount for the Dog Training in Your Home clients. Bring in this newsletter for 10% off of any supplement products we carry. For more information about giving your dog a better quality of life in the form of proper nutrition, contact Total Life Care at 843.402.0310 843.402.0310 or at
Charlotte Dog Training |

Charlotte Dog Daycare |

Monroe Dog Groomer|

OUTSIDE OF REALITY As we welcome the spring,

OUTSIDE OF REALITY As we welcome the spring, we look forward to warmer weather and more time outside. For dog owners, many feel that this is a time that the dog can experience more freedom. If done correctly, this can be a great experience. If not done correctly, mischief and mayhem can ensue. Here are some helpful hints to make your spring less stressful: Boredom can lead to big problems. If you leave your dog outside without helping them to release their physical and mental energies beforehand, you may find that they will become creative. Their projects can range from a small hole to a knocking over your prized barbeque to tearing down or redecorating your deck and lawn furniture. Alone time outside does not replace walking and heeling practice. It is not an automatic relief of stored up energy, at least not in a consistently positive manner. A nap underneath a tree outside will only result when the dog is exhausted. Make sure to not put your dog in a position to express their creative energies in a way that would not make you proud. A watched dog is a better dog. Do not leave your dog in your yard unsupervised, especially if you expect them to behave. If regularly attended, the dog will understand that outside is just like inside: you are the leader and they need to listen accordingly. New sights, new sounds, looser dirt, small animals beginning their springtime frolic, and increased daily sunlight are all invitations for a grand canine adventure. If you would rather your dog not partake in these activities, you need to be consistent with your training. Remember, a long line (30 feet) can give your dog an increased area to play while remaining able to be consistent with your corrections. Even if your dog is reliably off leash trained, it may take a couple of days to remind them how to behave in their changed environment. Without a leash, this becomes much more difficult. Do not use a remote collar without proper training. Canine-proof your yard as much as possible. Too much time outdoors unattended can result in housebreaking issues. If a dog never has to ask to go outside, then it never will. Designate one area of the yard for bathroom activities, and make sure that they have enough time indoors to remember to hold it when they are not in their "rest" area. Dogs are creatures of habit. Do not assume that your dog will be happy simply because it is outside. Banishing them to the great outdoors while you are away can create stress. Many dogs would be happier to remain surrounded by the familiar sights and sounds indoors that can remind them of their place in your home especially if you have already proofed your dog for inside unattended time. If they are used to being in a crate, it is most likely relaxing for them to remain in their routine.
Indian Trail Dog Grooming

Linda Atha
4702 W Hwy 74
Monroe, NC 28105

Deaf Dog Remote Vibrating Collar Deaf Dog Remote

Deaf Dog Remote Vibrating Collar Deaf Dog Remote Vibrating Collar - I have used a remote collar that vibrates when you press the transmit button on the remote. I have used the vibration as the dogs name and or as the marking of a behavior. However there are some problems with using these collars. Some dogs are very scared of the collar. They have never felt something like it before. So I like to hold the remote collar in my hand and lightly hold the collar against the dog and activate the collar when the dog feels the vibration give the dog a treat. After doing this until the dog starts to expect the treat ..then and only then put the collar on the dog. Then start to use the collar then treat...collar then treat...collar then treat. Then start using the collar to mark behavior I like to start with the look command. When the dog looks at your face remote and treat. The remote I like is the 175ncp dogtra collar Are about 175.00 and work well...
Charlotte Dog Training |

Charlotte Dog Daycare |

Monroe Dog Groomer|

Deaf Dog Remote Vibrating Collar Deaf Dog Remote

Deaf Dog Remote Vibrating Collar Deaf Dog Remote Vibrating Collar - I have used a remote collar that vibrates when you press the transmit button on the remote. I have used the vibration as the dogs name and or as the marking of a behavior. However there are some problems with using these collars. Some dogs are very scared of the collar. They have never felt something like it before. So I like to hold the remote collar in my hand and lightly hold the collar against the dog and activate the collar when the dog feels the vibration give the dog a treat. After doing this until the dog starts to expect the treat ..then and only then put the collar on the dog. Then start to use the collar then treat...collar then treat...collar then treat. Then start using the collar to mark behavior I like to start with the look command. When the dog looks at your face remote and treat. The remote I like is the 175ncp dogtra collar Are about 175.00 and work well...
Charlotte Dog Training |

Charlotte Dog Daycare |

Monroe Dog Groomer|

5 New Years Resolutions for your Dog 1.

5 New Years Resolutions for your Dog 1. Walk Your Dog - Making a goal to walk your dog everyday will help you and your pet get into better shape. By using a control walk, you will be reinforcing your dog's place in the family. 2. Obedience Training - You know what to do, but are you being consistent? Resolve to spend 5-10 minutes every other day brushing up on your dog's obedience skills. While you are at it, come to a few tune-up classes and really flex your alpha muscles. 3. Annual Exam - Just like people, dogs need to have an annual check-up to make sure that everything is working properly and that there is nothing going on beneath the surface. Since symptoms can go unnoticed, a visit to your veterinarian's office might be the key to catching something early. If your pet has not seen a veterinarian in the last year consider making an appointment for its physical exam. 4. Socialization - If your dog isn't given the opportunity to be around other dogs, then problems can arise. You might notice barking when you are out for a walk when they see another dog. This can escalate into something more, so it's always a good idea to allow your dog to socialize with other pets as much as possible. 5. Helping a Rescue Organization- What a great New Years Resolution! Rescue organizations are always in need of volunteers, food and blankets, or monetary contributions. You can celebrate your dog by giving to an animal welfare organization.
Charlotte Dog Training |

Charlotte Dog Daycare |

Monroe Dog Groomer|

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RULES OF THE ROAD If you are planning on taking your dog on a road trip with you this summer, here are some things to remember: GET UP TO DATE: Check your dog's vaccinations and tags. Bring copies of your shot records with you. Make sure all relevant information is available on their tags. PREPARE TO PREVENT: Put on a fresh coat of flea and tick preventative, and make sure they've had their heartworm preventative for the month. Bring a veterinary first aid kit with you. These are available at most pet stores. STOCK UP: Make sure you have enough food, medications, and bottled water with you for your dog. Bringing bottled water can sometimes prevent dogs from getting stomach aches due to changes in water content. BUCKLE UP: Get a canine car harness. They help your dog stay in one seat and remain secure during any quick stopping. These are available at pet stores. CHECK OUT BEFORE YOU CHECK IN: There are many pet-friendly hotels for you to stop at along the way.,,, and are just a few of the many sites that the many list pet friendly accommodations available. Never leave your dog alone in the hotel room. This will prevent them coming in contact with unknowns and keep them secure. Always put out the do not disturb sign to prevent anyone from accidentally opening the door to a surprise when your dog greets them, or worse letting the dog out into the hotel unleashed. PLAN FOR PIT STOPS: Remember to plan a stop every two to three hours for your dog to go to the bathroom. Always clean up after your dog. Never leave a dog alone in a parked car because heat conditions may rapidly change. Regardless of location, always keep your dog on leash for both your security and theirs.
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Beagle Dog Breed Jewelry and Gifts at For Love of a Dog
If you love a Beagle or have someone on your holiday gift list who does, then fetch the Beagle dog breed jewelry and gifts at For Love of a Dog. You'll find unusal, one of a kind handmade Beagle dog lover bracelets, pendants, necklaces, earrings, Beagle

Elite Competition, New Breeds and More in National Dog Show Presented by Purina Thanksgiving Day on NBC Following Macy's Parade
NEW YORK, Nov. 23, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The NBC Thanksgiving Day special, "The National Dog Show Presented by Purina�," will crown one of America's great purebreds as its 2011 champion on Thanksgiving Day while celebrating 10 years of bringing

Dog breeds can reveal owners' personality
A new study has found that you can tell the owner's personality by his choice of dog breed. The study by Bath Spa University looked at the personalities of owners of dogs in the Kennel Club's seven main breed categories. It found that people who choose a

Say What? Xoloitzcuintli Highlights Thanksgiving’s National-Dog-Show New Breeds
Welcome the Entlebucher and the Xoloitzcuintli. Yup, those names represent just two of the six new breeds that will make their national television debut at the National Dog Show on Thanksgiving Day. In what has turned into a new Thanksgiving Day

Beloved weather dog returns to newscast that made him famous
In 2004, a small mixed-breed mutt arrived at Local 2 to become a fixture of the KPRC weather team. Viewers named him Radar For three years, Radar entertained viewers of all ages through public appearances, events and nightly dog walking forecasts.

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Monica Singh
Sangrock Tae Kwon Do