Sunday, August 19, 2012

Dragoncon anticipation

Dragoncon anticipation
I am looking forward to attending Dragoncon for the seventh straight year, and each time the con seems to get bigger and bigger and the plans get more and more ambitious. As a 39 year old with a wife and 3 kids, Dragoncon is my weekend away from the busy life. It is my one time a year to reconnect with many friends and acquaintances I've made through the years and to enjoy myself amongst a large group of like-minded individuals.

My costume plans this year include a Cobra Viper, from the GI Joe cartoons, with which I will be marching in the Parade with as part of a group of costumers known as Cobra's Finest. I will also be wearing this costume during the big GI Joe/Cobra meetup on Sunday morning.

My next costume is Baby Face, from the horror movie "The Hills Run Red". It's a niche movie, but I related to the costume since I have a 6'3"-300 lb frame like most movie maniacs. Although no plans are set, there is talk of a possible "Horror Movie Monster" get together Saturday night that I may join.

My third costume is a relatively simple one. Yellow Jumpsuit and respirator, combined with my goatee and lack of hair and I think I make a passable Walter White in his methamphetamene cooking gear from Breaking Bad. This costume veers a bit from the normal genres represented at Dragoncon, but it will be an easy and fun costume to walk around in.

Finally, my last costume is in support of our little costuming group, "Wolfpack-scifi" made up of about 75 individuals who share a common goal of wearing costumes and having a good time. Our group costume is "Barbarians" and it is a pretty free-for-all category. I went simple and emulated the dress of a particular barbarian, namely "Thundarr" from the Hanna Barbera cartoon in the early 1980's. As barbarians our group will be roaming the Con, handing out engraved bone shaped dog tags with the inscription "You were boned by the barbarian horde at Dragoncon 2012". It's a fun way to spend time with the group and put some smiles on the other congoers faces.

Once the costuming is done for the weekend, our group all retires to one member's room to watch the annual Masquerade contest on Dragoncon TV. And during the masquerade, we conduct our own little party, where everyone wears a white T-shirt and brings a handful of sharpies, and we go wild adding funny and sometimes risque quotes and messages to everyone's shirt. It's a fun way to end the weekend and gives us each a souvenir from the group to bring back.

Dragoncon is almost here and as you can see my anticipation level is through the roof.

A note about my attached picture. That's me with Stan Lee. Of course all comic book/sci-fi fans know who Stan Lee is and it was a great experience to get to meet him last year. However after Dragoncon, I proudly displayed my new picture on my desk at work, and was met by a steady stream of coworkers who had no idea who that was. Just more evidence of how I need to pull away from work for a few days and spend quality time with lots of people who do not need to be told who Stan Lee is.


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