Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Her nickname is Meatloaf

Her nickname is Meatloaf
Sophie is a 13-year old cat. She wasn't always fat, but she wasn't thin for very long. She's been fat for 11 years. She tips the scale at about 23 pounds. She doesn't get around too well. I try to exercise her, but she is not interested. She just wants to be pet and loved.

The thing is, my husband and I have two other cats. I honestly believe Sophie eats much less than them. But they run around more. Our other cat is big, but not fat and the other one is normal weight.

So I ask you, how can I make her exercise? They only go outside on our patio or right around our house with us out there. She doesn't even move when a neighbor's dog runs in the yard. She just hisses and turns her back to the dog.

I've tried diet food. I measure the food (although I think my husband sneaks in extra). She's big. The first thing people say when they see her is "That is the fattest cat I have ever seen." Poor Sophie! We still love her!

She also needs brushed a lot more and I have to give her a bath every few months because she has trouble getting everywhere with that belly in the way. She hates it, but you can tell she always feels good after.


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