Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Which Democrat Will Next Head the House Financial Services Committee? - Center for Responsive Politics

Doorbell Desensitization Ding, Dong! Are you and your dog ready for the trickiness of Trick or Treating this year? If your dog barks and runs at the door every time the doorbell rings, then this article on noise desensitization is for you. First, what is the barking all about? Doorbells signal change, and the introduction of an outsider to your environment. Barking can be a sign of excitement or anxiety related to these events. They may be guarding your home, or they may be welcoming your guests. In either case, you need to help your dog to relax. To do this you will need a clicker. If you do not have one, they are available at the register at most pet stores or through your trainer. If you have not used one of these during your training, a clicker is a small device with a button that you press to make a consistent noise. This noise will signify when your dog does something correctly. Prior to training, you must charge the clicker, or give it significance to your canine, by clicking the clicker and giving your dog a small, favorite, tasty treat several times in a row without training. Click! Treat. Click! Treat. You will notice that soon your dog will look your way as soon as you click because they understand that a treat is on its way. Second, you will need to create situations that simulate the doorbell environment that you want to change. You will need to have set-up doorbell ringing situations where you are prepared to train your dog. If guests and family members call ahead and are willing to ring the bell for you when they arrive, this is an easy way to naturally create this environment. Otherwise, you will need to employ volunteers to ring the doorbell for you. Have the person ring the bell, then click and treat the dog BEFORE it barks. Have the person repeat their ring several times at 30-60 second intervals. Each time, the dog gets rewarded for being attentive but not barking. Do not open the door every time. This will signal to the dog that just because the door is ringing, there is not necessarily someone waiting to come into their territory. Make sure to have your dog on a leash so that they cannot run to the door. Instead, guide them to come to you when the ring sounds for their click and reward. As your dog clues in to your training and becomes more relaxed at the bell, introduce verbal praise and wait longer and longer after the bell to click and reward the dog. Eventually, the doorbell will signal the need for calm energy to receive their reward, rather than a time to become excited and charge the door. Thirdly, now that you understand the basic premise, here is the doorbell workup routine to prepare yourself for the big day provided by watchandtrain.com: Have your dog on-leash. The time that your dog spends running towards the door barking can feed into his behavior and cause it to continue. Warm him up initially at the beginning of sessions, then do "cold trials". Warm up - one ring, one treat with your dog right near the door, maybe even having him see you press the bell. You can say "Ready?" to give him even more of a hint that you are about to start "the game". Harder - you are farther away from the front door. Even harder - farther still where you try for two or three rings between treats. Say "Good Boy" after each bell and only click and treat (C/T) after the second or third ring. Ready for an even larger challenge? Train your dog to go to another room when the doorbell rings by having your click and treat supplies in another room. When the bell rings, call them to you. Guide them with the leash to your location, if necessary. When they arrive, award them with a click and treat. This will defuse the door-rushing behavior that can sometimes add excitement to the doorbell situation. During these exercises, if your dog shows signs of anxiety (heavy panting, pacing, shaking, etc) or does not seem to be progressing, then you are moving too quickly. Remember, the idea is to reduce stress on your dog. You will need to do many repetitions of each step to fully desensitize your dog. If you would like a one-on-one demonstration of these exercises, please give us a call. We will be happy to help you.
Which Democrat Will Next Head the House Financial Services Committee? - Center for Responsive Politics

ABC News

Which Democrat Will Next Head the House Financial Services Committee?
Center for Responsive Politics
House Democrats will be vying for the role of top dog on the House Financial Services Committee, where Frank has been the highest ranking Democrat since 2003. Since that time, Frank has reaped financial riches from the industries his committee oversees ...
Frank's Retirement Leaves Void In CongressWBUR
Barney Frank Took on Banks, Bigots and Bloated Pentagon Budgets | The NationThe Nation. (blog)

all 1,571 news articles »

Source: news.google.com

Parade in Easton will feature dogs in costume - Taunton Daily Gazette

Parade in Easton will feature dogs in costume
Taunton Daily Gazette
First-place and second-place trophies will be awarded for the best-dressed dogs as well as for best-dressed dog and owner look-alike. The entrance fee is two cans of dog food or three cans of cat food, which will be donated to the Animal Protection ...

Source: news.google.com

6 Types Of Insurance Coverage You Didn't Think You Needed - San Francisco Chronicle

6 Types Of Insurance Coverage You Didn't Think You Needed
San Francisco Chronicle
If your dog bites a person and you are sued, standard coverage limits included in your existing policies may not be enough to protect your personal assets. To increase limits, you can purchase an umbrella liability policy, which will cover you above ...

and more »

Source: news.google.com

Kyiv authorities planning to construct shelter for animals - Kyiv Post

Kyiv authorities planning to construct shelter for animals
Kyiv Post
When we construct a center for protection of animals in Kyiv for 1500 animals, the community will be able to oversee its work. Any Kyiv resident will be able to come and take care of a dog. We have chosen a land plot and hope that deputies will support ...

and more »

Source: news.google.com

Make sure pets receive care during cold weather - Daily Home Online

Make sure pets receive care during cold weather
Daily Home Online
Ogden said short-haired dog breeds, such as pit bulls and Boxers, small dogs such as Chihuahuas, young puppies and older animals all need more protection. “Dog crates, airline carriers and pet taxis are not proper dog houses,” she said. ...

and more »

Source: news.google.com

Dog Training Gastonia,NC

Shon Mitchell
Owner: Dog Training In Your Home

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